JFY Inverters

JFY inverters are accessed using a Serial Port connection (e.g. COM3).

PVBC can access multiple JFY inverters simultaneously. When the inverters are connected in an RS485 daisy chain, these inverters can be accessed via a single serial port, otherwise you require a separate serial port for each JFY inverter.

JFY inverters use a proprietary JFY protocol. PV BeanCounter provides 6 device definitions for access to various types of JFY inverter. The first 3 device types can be used with JFY Single Phase Inverters. The otherscan be used with JFY Three Phase Inverters.

JFY Power Precision

JFY Inverters use a variety of firmware versions. The differences between these versions that impact PVBC relate to the precision of the AC Power readings. Some inverters report power in whole kilowatts. Others report power in tenths of a kilowatt. The original PVBC JFY device implementation attempted to determine the correct power precision by examining the firmware version. However this proved problematic as accurate details of power precision for each firmware version is not available. To overcome this problem PVBC now provides a device definition for each AC power precision. This allows you tell PVBC which precision works for your inverter.

Note that PVBC uses power readings to estimate high precision energy readings between reported changes in relatively low precision energy readings. If power precision is incorrect energy readings will be adversely affected.

JFY Single Phase Device Types

JFY Three Phase Device Types

JFY Inverters (PScale=Auto)

JFY Inverters (PScale=1)

JFY Inverters (PScale=10)

PVBC attempts to determine power precision from firmware version number

PVBC assumes that power is reported in kilowatts

PVBC assumes that power is reported in tenths of a kilowatt

JFY 3 Phase (PScale=Auto)

JFY 3 Phase (PScale=1)

JFY 3 Phase (PScale=10)

PVBC attempts to determine power precision from firmware version number

PVBC assumes that power is reported in kilowatts

PVBC assumes that power is reported in tenths of a kilowatt

Data Available from Single Phase JFY Inverters

AC Energy

AC Power

AC Current

AC Voltage


DC Voltage - String 1

DC Power - String 1

DC Current - String 1

DC Voltage - String 2

DC Power - String 2

DC Current - String 2

DC Voltage - String 3

DC Power - String 3

DC Current - String 3


Data Available from the 3 Phase JFY Inverters

AC Energy

AC Power - Phase 0

AC Current - Phase 0

AC Voltage - Phase 0

AC Power - Phase 1

AC Current - Phase 1

AC Voltage - Phase 1

AC Power - Phase 2

AC Current - Phase 2

AC Voltage - Phase 2


DC Voltage - String 1

DC Power - String 1

DC Current - String 1

DC Voltage - String 2

DC Power - String 2

DC Current - String 2

DC Voltage - String 3

DC Power - String 3

DC Current - String 3
